The third day of the trial....
by matt
Well today in court was very hard, we had about a good 4 hours to 4 in a half hours of tapes to listen to. They were of josh getting interragated by the investagators. It made it hard because at the begining it brought all the memories back, just like it was happening all over again. I almost left ketchikan and went home because it hurt so bad but later decided I needed to stay. But about 2 hours to 2 in a half hours of it was his confession. I wrote it all down so I could put it on the web site for every one. I know yesterday I said I thought he was innocent for the injuries but after hearing these tapes I know he is guilty of being very ignorant, he did cause injuries and you will see how. If you would of heard these tapes you'd know he may not of done alot of them on purpose and some of them he did do on purpose. He treated my son like a doll and for that my son is now dead... Well i'm gonna put down what I wrote from the confession, its pretty long but here it goes from the beging of what I wrote on paper to the end.
Were listening to Josh's confession tapes and he is admiting to jumping on Adrian, he admited to pulling the diapar off of adrian and at the same time ripping off the plastic piece off of adrians penis for the circumcisim, he said it was an accident but thats because he wasn't careful and he treated adrian like a doll thinking of every thing as a joke. He admited to twisting both legs until he heard them pop but he's saying its an accident. He also admited to running up some stairs and ACCIDENTLY dropped Adrian on his back, why would you run up stairs with a 2 week old baby in your arms? IGNORANCE!!!! Then he proceded to tell the investagators that the fall didn't hurt him, yeah right.... Now to get into more detail about the leg twisting, he admited to 2 different incodents, one time was when he was in a car seat and another was when he was changing his diapar. He also admited to shaking adrian numerous amounts of times since he was born, but he says it was playful shaking while he was just playing with him, but he did say that there were 7 to 10 times that he did shake him alot harder than normal and a few times it was out anger or frustration, and one of the times it caused Adrian to quit breathing and he had to give Adrian CPR and he started breathing again but he still never took him to the hospital, the very first rule of CPR is make sure the victim isn't breathing and then yell for someone to call 911 and once thats established then you start breathing for the victim and start your thrusts on the victims stomach. Now i'm going to get into more detail about the jumping inncident, what supposibly happen was he was running to the bed and he had Adrian coverd up and he didn't know he was there and he jumped 5 to 6 feet in the air and landed on Adrians Femur on his right leg and on his head at the same time. He says that was an accident also, now do you see what I mean by ignorant. The last incident was, he was sitting on the bed playing nintendo and he got excited becuase of the game and jumped up with Adrian sitting on his lap and Adrian flew to the ground and started crying... Guess what he said about that one?? ACCIDENT... All that I can say is before people get into a relationsip whith a baby please try not to be as ignorant and stupid as this guy was. My son died because this kid thought he could treat my son like a doll and nothing would happen to Adrian physically... Here's my message to EVERYONE... Babies are not dolls they are human beings like me and you they feel pain like me and you and when something hurts them it does affect their body like mine and yours. Maybe a doll don't feel anything but if you wanna get your frustration out on something little that looks like a baby then get a damn doll, a baby will end up dying and you will go to jail and if the parents are any thing like me they will make sure you go to jail. So use your damn head and imagine what the pain would feel like if this was all done to you, then you might not wanna do it to a real live baby cuz they do feel every bit of it but they just can't tell you it hurts like we could..
Thank you Matt Barton